
The JL11Fund was established in the wake of the tragic loss of James Luti. James, like many other teens, struggled through a debilitating battle against anxiety and adolescent depression. His family worked tirelessly to seek help and educational accommodation. James knew how deeply he was loved – by family, friends, the community at large – but it was not enough to help him overcome his pain. James took his own life on November 29, 2017. Surveys point to a consensus that mental illness among teens and young adults is rising at unnerving rates. James is a sobering and unforgettable example of the epidemic that plagues today’s bright and promising young people.
James, a talented defenseman on the Stoneham High School ice hockey team, proudly wore the jersey number 11. As the news spread about the loss of James, the hashtag JL11 trended on various social media platforms throughout the surrounding Boston high school communities and local hockey programs. It seemed truly fitting to use JL11 as the title of the organization that will be dedicated to supporting teens and young adults, like James, in navigating their mental health.
Please read more about James here.
Please read more about the JL11Fund™ here.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
For the Crisis Text Line, text "Listen" to 741-741
For the Samaritans, Call or Text (877)870-4673
For immediate crisis evaluation call the Emergency Services Program / Mobile Crisis Intervention at 1-877-382-1609 & enter your zip code; you will get the phone number of the closest ESP/MCI that serves you.
If you are in immediate danger, please call 911
The following organizations can provide additional education and assistance related to suicide prevention.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Click here
Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Click here
National Institutes of Health (NIH): Suicide Prevention
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Click here
Ties Between Substance Abuse and Suicide: Click here