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JL11 Fund

Our Goal for the JL11 Scholarship Prompts are seeking to learn from

recipients how best to help others.

For All Massachusetts High School Seniors


Prompt #1:
How does talking about mental health apply to you? How do you
understand mental health in yourself and others? Tell us about what you
may do to maintain or bolster your mental health. Please include


Prompt # 2:
Has music played a part in your life to manage your emotions? If so, is
there a song or songs that best describes how you feel/felt when you
were lost or vulnerable, if so why? What are some of the lyrics of the
song that resonated with you?


The winner will receive $1,500 toward their continued education.

This includes:

👉 Two-year colleges and universities
👉 Four-year colleges and universities
👉 Vocational schools
👉 Apprenticeships

👉 Must be a high school senior in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

👉 No minimum word requirement (750 word maximum).
👉 Must provide proof of enrollment or employment by apprenticeship prior to the
disbursement of funds.

To be considered for the scholarship, responses should be attached in
Portable Document Format (PDF) and emailed to

with the subject line“JL11Fund Scholarship Application”.


In the email, please put your name and the phone number at
which you would like to be contacted. Please DO NOT IDENTIFY
YOURSELF on the attached PDF file to preserve the integrity of the
selection process.

If you have any additional questions, please direct them to

Please submit your application for review by midnight on Wednesday, May
1,2024. Winner will be contacted via email by MAY 31.

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